
Au revoir. Bienvenue chez toi.

I just wanted to send you a little note to tell you a few things.

First of all, thank you for everything.
Thank you for being such a great support to me these last 18 months. Thank you for reading my emails. Thank you for writing me letters. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your worries and concerns for me and the people of France and for those I worked with. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your amazing examples.

I know that I could not have made it through the last 18 months without you.

I just got home from France on Thursday and got released later that night. Since then, its been pretty weird and different, but full of good things and wonderful blessings. I miss France terribly, but I know that it’s in the best hands right now and all the missionaries there right now are doing there very best work.

I am so incredibly blessed to have been a part of that. I love being a missionary. I know that it is a sacred and privileged calling. The work that is done changes lives and generations forever, and to witness that is absolutely miraculous. There are so many experiences and lessons I learned that I wish I could share with you. Most importantly, I came to know Christ and the truthfulness of His gospel and the importance and necessity of the restoration of His church to this earth. Its an amazing message to carry to the world and I know it’s true.

I want to say thank you one more time for listening to me, and never forget how powerful your own testimony can be. I don’t plan on stopping my missionary work. There is so much to be done. Share your light with others, and so many will be blessed!

I love you so much! I’d love to keep in touch with you, hear about your life, get your weekly emails or be friends on facebook. I’ll be in Boise for hte summer, and then down to Rexburg/Provo this fall! See ya around.
I really want to hear from ya, so help me out a little bit and send me something.
or text me at

Ill be giving my homecoming talk this next week! If you’re in the Nampa/Boise area, I’d love to see you there.
Its at 9am on the 24th of April at the LDS church building on Locust lane. (607 West Locust Lane Nampa, ID 83686)
We’ll be having food and a little party at my house afterwards, from about 11 until whenever! We’ll be there all day. You better stop by! (2618 Toma Ct. Nampa ID 83686)
Have a fantastic week! Im praying for you! Let me know what else I can do to help.
I love you. See you around!
The gospel is true 🙂
the former Soeur Ellis.


A week to remember.

Well hello my dearest friends.
Have I ever told you that I absolutely love being a missionary? I feel like it’s the only thing I know how to do know. If you could, I’d love if you could help me learn how to be a normal person again.
It’s a little weird knowing I only have a few days left on my mission. I’m pretty split on my emotions right now. I wish I could stay a missionary forever, and continue this fabulous work. I am privileged to have served here for the last 18 months. It’s an amazing place here. France is an amazing country that has such a great need for the gospel. We work so hard, and do so much, yet there is so much more work to be done. thank you so much for your continual prayers for the people here. I can literally see it working miracles.
And I’d also like to say thank you for all your payers and time spent fasting on behalf of the people that were affected by the terrorist attacks in Brussels, and especially our missionaries. I can’t even begin to imagine the experience, but it is amazing to me to hear how much their testimonies were strengthened. God’s loving witness was present on that day. He was there, watching over his children, among them, 4 amazing missionaries. I’m thankful to be among their ranks in the mission field, and to be able to support them and testify of Gods infinite love for each one of us. I know that this is a difficult experience for us all, like that of what happened in Paris in November, but it’s a chance for progression. Our kind and gracious Heavenly Father is giving us all an opportunity to turn to him and only learn more.
It’s amazing to be a missionary during this time. I’ve seen miracles.
Both in the lives of our dear, injured missionaries, and even here in Mulhouse. I’d really appreciate it if you could keep Elder Norby, Elder Empey, Elder Wells, and Soeur Clain in your prayers please.
We’ll all keep praying for you as well.
Here in Mulhouse, things were all over the place this past week. Soeur Welter was sick and had to take a day off, and then Soeur Andrew happened to trip and fall off a tram platform and sprain her ankle. I promise, it’s not as bad as it sounds, but it’s pretty swollen. We’re taking things easy, but still finding miraculous ways to get work done
despite our difficulties and struggles. Sometimes things seem a little crazy, but it’s amazing how much control and guidance the gospel gives us. It helps so much. It has brought so much clarity and light to my life. All I want to do is share that with others.
It’s been a great week. I wouldn’t want to end my mission any other way. I have been blessed with the most amazing companions. BOTH of them have been such huge blessings in my life. I’ve grown so much closer to my Heavenly Father. Through this 18 months, I have come to absolutely love the Book of Mormon. I know that it is the inspired
word of God. I know that this gospel is true with all my heart. I am proud to defend the truth and everything I love.
Thank you so much for your love and support throughout everything. I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me. I love you. I’ll be seeing you real soon!
This gospel is true.
Go preach it! Share everything you love!
Soeur Ellis
I love you so much!
Welcome to my funeral, featuring the Mulhouse District.


What would you do in your last week?

Sorry it’s late! I’ve been having internet problems this week!
I love you all! Keep up your prayers. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us. Keep us all in your prayers.
Bisous bisous
I hope you all had a fabulous week like I did!
It was definitely crazy, and all over the place, but it was pretty awesome. Comme d’habitude, it was full of tons of adventures. Last Monday, we received a nice addition to our equipe! Soeur Welter came in from Nancy, and it’s been so much fun having her with us this week, and I’m sure it’s going to only get better. Being in a trio is tons of fun!
We picked her up from the gare (train station), ran around town a little bit, bought our groceries, sent out some emails, and then went to have soirée familiale with one of our favorite Albanian families: Greta and Driast, and their adorable little 2 year old daughter Keissi. My favorite thing ever is every time we ring the doorbell, she runs running down the hallway to give us the biggest hugs and kisses. She’s an angel. Not only that, but I got to learn lots of Albanian, because now Driast’s mother and sister came to stay with them from Albania (Drita and Jesmina)They’re so amazing. I could not speak the same language, or really communicate at all with them on my own, but I know that Heavenly Father helped each and every one of us. We were able to share our lesson with them, and involve them all throughout the night. I even got to do dishes with Jesmina, and she taught me a whole bunch of Albanian words! Now I know how to say thank you, water, cup and plate and sister! I’m basically fluent in case you were wondering.
But honestly, I think the thing that really touched me is how much the Spirit was able to help us. I was able to feel the most genuine, pure love for these people, and somehow express it to them, by something other than words. I know it’s only a tiny bit of what our Heavenly Father feels for each one of us, but I felt privileged to share those special moments with them. Towards the end of the night, as I was washing dishes with Jesmina and helping Greta, Deiast caught my attention and said, “Ellis, ma mère, elle dit beaucoup des bonnes choses de toi.” It was adorable. I just felt like a part of the family. I love my Albanians. I promise, if you met them, you’d love them too. They’re the most sincere, selfless people you’ll ever meet.
But oh man. Tuesday was a tough one. I ended up with two really sick comps and a gazillion of phone calls to be made. Nothing too excited happened, but Soeur Andrew was able to talk to the nice French Doctor all by herself! That made me one proud mother! As much as I hate staying inside, it was a necessary part of the healing process. Good news is, we got a ton of planning, studies and area book work done! Hoorah!
Then Wednesday came around. We had a bunch of rendezvous planned, and so we were running from one thing to the next. Things cancelled here and there, but we survived.
We had the most amazing zone conference ever on Friday in Nancy. We ran home that night, only to go back the next day and stay for the weekend because of Stake Conference.
I wish I could say more, but I have to go! I’ll let you know all the details one day!
Have a great week.
I love you 🙂
Thanks again for your prayers for all of us.
Soeur Ellis


Thank you little black name tag.

 I am so happy that I am a missionary right now.

Last week, Soeur Andrew read me an article, and a line really struck me.
It said, “Thank you little black name tag…”
I cannot explain how true that statement is. As crazy as it may seem,
that badge I wear on my chest everyday has changed my life. It has
allowed me to have some of the most amazing people, and feel the
spirit so strongly, and watch the gospel change lives.
I’ve found myself often throughout this week, saying to myself, “thank
you little black name tag”.
I have found so many reasons to be grateful to be on a mission. I wish
I could name them all. But I know just keeps growing and growing.
And plus, miracles happen every day.
This week was all over the place.
Tuesday, we spent the whole day, from 9 in the morning until 9 at
night FINDING new people to teach 🙂 It was honestly probably one of
the most exhausting experiences, but so rewarding. We were having the
most spiritual experiences, one after another.
One of my favorites was when we walked up to a woman with her dog in a
little park. She looked and saw the Book of Mormon in my hand, and
immediately refused to listen to anything else we had to say, walking
away, saying she was happy how she was and didn’t need help. Before
she was completely gone, I managed to ask her if there was anyone she
knew who might have need of our message, and immediately, she said
yes. She grabbed our hands and told us her neighbor had fallen into a
depression, and wondered if we could help. On the way to her house, we
started talking, and she really opened up about herself and her
beliefs. Her neighbor wasn’t interested in our message at that moment
(hopefully someday he might be), but she eagerly invited her into her
own house. She gave us a whole tour, and we were able to talk about
the gospel with her, and even set up a return rendezvous. Literally in
the craziest circumstance, when we were rejected, God provided a way
to help us accomplish our goals. I know that he always provides a way.
Honestly, there is so much truth in 1 Nephi 3:7.
Wednesday started and it was sooooo rough. We got a text message from
our ami with some pretty bad news. In the moment where I didn’t know
what to do, my companions first words were, “Soeur, we need to pray.”
And so we did. And we fasted for our ami Anne. Things are still a
little crazy, but I know the Lord will provide a way, and he will help
her come to know and be able to accept the fullness of the gospel. I
know he is there to help us. I have felt so much comfort and peace,
amidst the trials and troubles that have been happening. Luckily, I’ve
been able to have the greatest companion here with me! 🙂
Not only that, but today, we received a third companion. Yayyyyy for
Trios! Totally unexpected, but I’m so excited! Soeur Welter is going
to be here in Mulhouse with us until I go home. She has been serving
in Nancy, but her companion was waiting for her visa, and she finally
got it! A little craziness, but I love it already. She’s only been
here a couple hours, but we love her so much. We’re going to have so
many adventures 🙂
Also, we went into Paris this week. Oh it felt like home 🙂 I’ve
missed it so much! I can’t wait to go back!

Well, I better leave! We’re going to have FHE with Greta and Driast
and KEISSI! I love them all. We’ll have plenty of pics next week 🙂

I love you all. Have a great week.
Bisous bisous.
Soeur Whitney Ellis

Meet the trio: Welter, Andrew and Ellis. 🙂 #weloveyops



Le Passerelle des Trois Pays. (Bridge of Three Nations) 🙂

This week has been absolutely awesome. I feel like I had some really
great moments and experiences where I was really able to grow
spiritually. Honestly, I know that is has been happening my whole
mission, but I feel like it was accelerated and amplified this last
On Monday, amazingly enough, we just rested. It was very much needed.
Often, p-days seem like the busiest day of the week just because there
is so much to do and so little time to get it all done! Thank heavens,
we chose to really take the day and rest. I was able to finally
breathe. Then we spent that night at a soirée familiale with the
Wassmer family. They are so fantastic. Classic French. We had a
delicious meal, and a wonderful lesson where we engaged them to really
search for a missionary experience, so that we could start teaching a
new ami with them! It was amazing to see how readily they accepted the
challenge with the greatest desire!
Tuesday was also really great. We got to talk to a member here, and he
was able to give a lot of advice on missionary work, and how to better
handles ourselves and be more capable to do all the work the Lord has
for us. It was really inspiring and we took a lot away from it. It’s
kind of funny because my companion and I work at different speeds, but
in the long run, everything works out because we’ve found our balance
of unity and live together. I’m so glad that I’m able to work with
To reinforce that, our district meeting this last week was on
companionship unity. Our district leader invited us to take a few
minutes and set some goals to help us be more unified. Even though
Soeur Andrew and I get along really well and work great together, it
was amazing to see that when we went to the Lord with this question,
he was able to help us and give us even more ways that we can improve
ourselves and become better tools. And that has helped so much since.
It honestly started almost immediately.
Our mission president has decided that this is going to be a transfer
of finding. So each week, as a district, we come together and we
dedicate one day to only finding: trajet contacting, street contacts,
porting, etc. All day. And it literally brings miracles. Our finding
day was this last Thursday with district meeting, and we saw miracles.
We were in Montbeliard, which is a little tiny ville around here.
Soeur Andrew and I had been praying all day to really find someone
that was in need of us, but we were having no big successes. Finally,
with 5 minutes left, we turned to  go to the church and finish the
day. It was as we were walking that we decided to contact once last
lady walking down the street. It was her. Literally the woman that we
had searched all day for. In our conversation together, she told us
how grateful she was that we had stopped her and that the world needed
more people like us. She was so sincerely touched by our message, and
promised that she would be coming to church with us! We said a prayer
with her, and she left saying that we had changed her life and really
helped her in a difficult time. It was an amazing experience. I know
that our prayers aren’t always answered immediately, but they are
answered when we do everything we can to follow Christ and receive
Heavenly Fathers blessings. We have to give him something to work
with. We have to try. When we do, he blesses us abundantly.
The rest of the week was great as well! Wednesday, we were running
from lesson to lesson and didn’t have a single one that dropped. At
the end of the day, my feet were sore, my back hurt and I was
physically and emotionally exhausted, but it was worth it. We were
spiritually nourished, and we’d done the best work we possibly could.
That is my favorite feeling in the world. Friday and Saturday, we ran
Round, visited Amis, saw miracles, and had amazing service
opportunities. When you ask, the Lord really does bless you. 🙂

That’s all I have time for! Today was a great adventure! We went to
the border of all 3 countries! I was in Switzerland, Germany and
France today! 🙂
I love you all! I can’t wait to see you all soon, but until then, bon courage!
Bonne semaine tout le monde. Gros bisous.
Soeur E.

This is me. Germany on the left. France on the right. Swiss straight forward.


Missionary work is my favorite thing to do.

This week was something I would classify as an “emotional
rollercoaster” for the Soeurs here in Mulhouse. It was amazing though.
Despite the trials and hardships, I know that we were able to learn so
much, and strengthen our relationships with our Heavenly Father and
each other. I absolutely adore Soeur Andrew. She’s such an amazing
missionary. She teaches me so much.
Literally every day.
This last Monday night, we went into Paris so that Soeur Andrew could
get her Visa on Tuesday with the rest of the bleus. Paris is so great.
I love it. It’s home. I just feel so good! And I my adorable little
comp loves it too! As they were going to the Visa office, she took it
upon herself to talk to people on all the metros. There was no trainer
there forcing her to talk to any one, or really any outside pressure,
but rather the inside desire to share the gospel that brings so much
love and happiness to life. She came back, beaming and full of success
stories to tell me about. I was such a proud mother 🙂 It’s such a
blessing to be able to serve with her!
While she was doing her legality, I got to roam the streets of Paris
with my favorite Soeur Chisholm and we just contacted the world! It
was so good to catch up and see how much we’ve grown. We definitely
saw miracles. There are always people prepared. Even random people in
downtown Paris. 🙂 Always.
Wednesday, we had district meeting, and probably the best rendezvous
of my life. With Marie Paule. She’s an angel from heaven. It’s the
mother in law of our recent convert Florence, and we’ve been trying
for a while to have a rendezvous with her, and she finally wanted to
this time! And thank goodness! She’s been so prepared! We had one of
the most amazing rendezvous. The lesson happened, and the words just
flowed. There was no forcing or trying to hard. It just happened. And
it was so beautiful. The moment came, and it felt right to I vite her
to baptism, and without hesitation, she agreed. She told us that when
Christ opens a door, you can’t only walk halfway or stay on the
outside. You have to walk in. Fully embrace him and his gospel. I do
not think I have ever felt the spirit so powerfully in a lesson. It’s
such an amazing thing. We’ve been trying for weeks to have a lesson
with her, and she honestly never wanted to until now. And I know that
it is exactly when she needed it. She has been prepared and at that
moment she was ready to accept it. She’s had trials and blessings both
that have made this very moment possible. She already loves it so
much. 🙂
That was probably my favorite miracle of the week. Thursday and
Friday, we saw a lot of our Amis, had some great rendezvous, and
learned so much. Sometimes, the mission adjustment is a little rough,
and I’m so grateful that we have prayer and the gospel to help us.
Without it, it wouldn’t be possible.
Saturday, we were helping at the church to help our members with their
Family History work. You’ll be proud to know, u learned how to do
indexing. I got 12 points now! And I learned some really cool things
about my ancestors! Some of them even come from Alsace! And we traced
my line back to Abraham. That was cool….
Sunday was just amazing. We had the first of many finding days, and
that was such a cool experience. After church got out, we dedicated
the rest of our day to FINDING NEW AMIS. We came together as a
district, and spend hours here in Mulhouse, contacting, porting, and
trajet-zing the whole world. Yes, of course we saw miracles.

Ah. I’m sorry, that’s all the time I have, but I hope you have a great
week. I love you 🙂
2 Nephi 2:24

Bisous bisous.
Soeur E.


The sniffles and the ach-oo’s.

Hey everyone.
Our week was crazy. Awesome, but crazy. I was a little sick this last
week. Like actually, really sick. I woke up Tuesday, and things were
just not going well. It hit me hard. We made it through the day,
taking things really slowly. I mean, it took a lot longer than normal
to go up the 5 sets of stairs to Anne’s apartment, but it was worth
it. We had a nice rendezvous, but she was super distracted. She’s been
having a rough time since her husband got home. They don’t really get
along too well sometimes, but I know the gospel has been able to help
her SO much already! Miracle, we saw her again on Friday and it was a
whole new world. She was a changed women. She stopped ironing just to
talk with us and was so engaged in our lesson. We were able to re-fix
a baptismal date with her, and just get her so excited about baptism!
Ah! I just love that woman! Her and her adorable baby are doing great.
No worries, I didn’t get anyone sick.
Wednesday, we got a lot of planning and things done. Thank heavens
because my head was spinning and I was coughing up a storm. I’m so
grateful I have an angelic companion. She took such good care of me.
Every morning, she got my hit honey and lemon drink ready. I wouldn’t
be here if it wasn’t for her.
Ah. Well sorry for the randomness and the things all over the place.
I’m still a little sniffley, but things are going so much better!
We’re going into Paris tonight for Sr. Andrews first year legality,
and I’m so excited to go back to my home again. I love Paris. I hope
you can come someday and understand it a little. It’s s amazing.
Thursday, we had a great lesson with Elizabeth, thanks to Soeur
Appasamy, the member we brought with us. She really helped us explain
things, and her testimony is so powerful. Once again, I know that we
could not have done it without her. She is a recent convert of about 8
years, and she’s so kind and patient with Elizabeth and us.
And we finished off the night eating some fabulous Tiramisu. Mmmmm.
Friday, we had some of the coolest rendez-vous with members. The
Dietsch family, with their adorable crazy children that remind me of
home; Greta and Driast, with their adorable little Keissi, and then
lessons with Gabrielle and Anne. Our Amis are progressing like crazy
here! Thank you so much for your prayers! It’s amazing how the spirit
works so strongly in their lives. We’re doing everything we can to
help them, and they’re making the biggest steps in the gospel. I just
love them 🙂
Ah! I wish I could tell you about all the amazing things that
happened, but I have to go!
I love you all! Things are great here! Have a fabulous week! Can’t
wait to hear from you soon!

Bisous Bisous.
Soeur E.


Mulhousoeurs. 🙂

Bah. Well Happy Valentines Day tout le monde! I hope you had a
fabulous week and were able to celebrate that wonderful holiday! Here
in Mulhouse, we had a baptism. I wouldn’t want to celebrate it any
other way.
Our adorable little Florence was finally baptized yesterday.
I had the chance to meet Florence right after I arrived here in
Mulhouse. It was on our 40 day fast, and I knew right away that the
gospel was what she was looking for. The spirit touched her heart so
quickly, and she quickly accepted the gospel. Every time we had a
lesson with her, I felt like she was the one teaching us. She already
knows so much about the gospel, and with the opportunities we had to
teach her, it just fortified her testimony and knowledge. I can’t
express how grateful I am to know her. She is an angel. 🙂
But holy cow. This last week was one of the best of my mission. We ran
all over the place every day, hardly ever had time for meals, but we
loved it. I love it so much. I think every day, I realize a little
more how blessed I am to be a missionary. It’s the biggest blessing.
I’ve been here for a while now, but I haven’t learned everything. I’m
not a professional. I’m not the perfect missionary. But I know that
when I give it the best I have, I am accomplishing the work I was sent
to do, and what Heavenly Father expects of me. Sometimes, the
exhaustion makes us happy. We know it’s been a good day when we come
home at the end, completely sore, exhausted and tired. Ah. And let me
tell you, we’ve been accomplishing that one. I’ve been getting all the
sleep I need, but I’m not sure I’ve ever been more tired in my life.
Luckily, Heavenly Father hears our prayers and gives us the energy
needed. I promise, he answers prayers.
But as for the work here in Mulhouse this week, it’s been fantastic.
Monday, we were able to visit a recent convert that we just love to
death. Nathalie was baptized last August, and she’s going so strong
now. We were able to show her how to have a real family home evening
and get her into that habit. I’m so grateful my mother made that such
a priority when I was little. And that she taught us fun games to keep
us entertained. Those have definitely come in handy. We have quite the
rowdy bunch sometimes. Patience IS a virtue (that I’m working hard to
develop still…) Let me tell you, “Don’t eat the prophet” is one of
my favorites 😉
Tuesday was so fun. We had a burrito fête for District meeting while
we watched the missionary broadcast. Literally the best 2 hours of my
life. We all left, so inspired and motivated to share the gospel. It
was the most amazing conference specifically focused at missionaries
all over the world. I felt like they so perfectly explained and
applied Preach My Gospel to our individual situations. It just became
real life and applicable.
After, we visited Nathalie for her birthday, and ran to our rendezvous
with my favorite Catholic, Catherine. Well maybe that’s a lie. We
found like 4 new Catholics Amis this week. And I love them all. No
matter how much they love the pope 😉 But with Catherine we had a
fabulous discussion and she is so open to learning more. Keep praying
for us 🙂
On Wednesday, we visited Hélène, Milicent, Florence, Anne, and made it
back in time for Soirée Familiale at the church, where we watched
Legacy. So classy. And it was really a day of Miracles. Heavenly
Father helped us make it to all of our rendezvous…
Thursday, Florence passed her baptismal interview with flying colors.
We’re pretty proud of her 🙂 And then we visited Elizabeth and a new
ami, Aurore. Also strongly practicing Catholic. She’s great as well.
About 5′ nothing, but she’s adorable and SO full of love for Jesus.
It’s adorable. 🙂
Encore, Friday was packed. We had a lunch date with the Patriarch and
his wife, my favorite little adorable couple in Mulhouse. I learned so
much. It’s like being in a deep doctrine class… So intense. 🙂 then
visits with Nathalie, Anne, and Greta and Driast. Poor little Keissi
was sick and not too happy, but we had a really spiritual lesson, and
Greta and Driast are progressing fabulously and preparing for more
blessings to come 🙂 I love them with all my heart 🙂
Saturday, repertoire came out, and luckily Soeur Andrew and I are
staying together again. 🙂 I love that girl with EVERYTHING in meeee.
And Sunday, the baptism. Hooray!

Well. That’s all the time I have, but I’ll talk to you next week! I
love you so so much.
Keep reading your scriptures and saying your prayers, I love you 🙂

Bisous. 😘
Soeur E.


Mulhouse Soeurs in Paris. And Strasbourg. And a little bit of Mulhouse meme…

Our week was literally just all over the place.
We had to go into Paris for 2 days, and then make an emergency trip to
Strasbourg. We went to see our ami at the hospital because she FINALLY
had her baby! Our stove stopped working, and we became besties with
our electrician. And there was a baptism here in Mulhouse.
Voila. Email finished.
But really. This week was awesome. Every single day was so full of
excitement and new things!
Monday, we spent the day shopping, profitez-ing from my very last
solders in France. My daddy told me I had to come home with some nice
new frenchie clothes 😉
Tuesday, we had our district meeting here in Mulhouse, then ran to the
fare to catch our train to Paris. We even had time to wash our dishes
from lunch. If that’s not efficace, I’m not sure what is. But we had a
really great district meeting from Elder Bennet. He’s the coolest kid
around. He always just talks about exactly what we need to hear. 🙂
Going to Paris was exciting as always. The wardrobe slowly turns ALL
BLACK, and then you remember, there isn’t any other color in Paris.
Everyone only wears black. I felt a little out of the loop in my
colorful flowery skirt. Oh well 🙂
Exchanges were absolutely wonderful. We met the coolest people, and I
felt at home being back in Paris again. My heart belongs there. We
even found a new ami for the St. Ouen Soeurs! It’s just meant to be!
🙂 Soeur Archbold is just an angel, and she really helped me out on
that exchange. I learned so much from her, and I’m so thankful for our
time together! The only STL I’ve ever done more than one exchange
with! Not only that, but it was really great for Soeur Andrew. She
really loved meeting new people and seeing new things. Paris is always
exciting! We spent the night with Grandma Kitchen (my trainer) and got
to see her one last time before she dies! Boy am I going to miss that
Wednesday, we hurried back to Mulhouse because we figured out that
Anne, our ami had GIVEN BIRTH while we were gone! Luckily we took an
early train home, ran to the hospital and got to be her first (and
only) visitors at the hospital to see her adorable new baby boy,
Siméon. We got to visit her almost every day we were there, which was
super cool, because we got to visit with her neighbors and meet so
many new people and share the gospel.
Thursday and Friday,  we talked a lot about goals. It was really cool
to realize how goals have changed my life, how they help me, and how I
want to continue and grow. Guess what. I kinda love 12 week 🙂
We also got to see and teach our ami Florence, and boy she is so
fabulous. She’s 110% on track for her baptism next Sunday! Keep her in
your prayers! It’s amazing to see her faith. It always builds me up
and makes me stronger. She has been looking for this gospel her whole
life and she finally found it. She knows the scriptures so well,
everything we teach, she already knows, but it just confirms her faith
and her decision to be baptized. She’s a miracle. We saw her again
Saturday, talked about temples and gave her a birthday present. I
think she shed a baby tear, and that’s a pretty big deal for Florence.
She’s a tough girl 😉
And then Saturday was crazy. We taught a less active, then ran to
Strasbourg, missed our train, and finally caught another one back just
in time to save the day. We made it to the baptism! Hooray for the

Well. I better get going. We’re going to go play a wonderful round of
FHE style “Don’t eat the prophet!” I’ll talk to you next week
everyone! I love you all. Keep praying 🙂
Bisous bisous.
Soeur Ellis


I almost turned into a zombie…

HI feel like I had the most interesting week.
We had some of the best, and some of the weirdest rendez-vous, and the
whole time, I’ve kinda been feeling like a walking zombie. I feel like
I was on the border of death. Sickness + cold + rain + gruelling
missionary work = not the best combo… But I survived it! 🙂
It’s heavy soldes shopping here in France, so we’re doing our best to
profitez of all the fabulous sales and things that are happening!
Everyone is telling me I need to bring home some nice clothes from
France! I’ll try… I’m not sure yet how we’re going to make it home
with everything 🙂 But I have faith…
Anyways. Back to our week here in Mulhouse.
We got to see our Amis often actually! It was fantastic.
We spent a lot of time with Anne, who is currently 8 and a half months
pregnant. I swear every time we go to a rendezvous with her, I’m
scared she’s going to go into labor! It has yet to happen, but Soeur
Andrew and I have guessing it will be this week. We already bought our
baby gift for her 🙂 She was really struggling this last week with the
pain, so the Elders were able to come by and give her a blessing. It
created the most powerful spirit in the room and her countenance just
changed. She was so happy for herself and the future in the gospel for
her adorable little family. After the Elders left, we stayed with Anne
and taught the rest of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and when we started
talking about baptisms, the questions and answers just naturally came.
We were able to fix her baptismal date for March 19th! She’ll have
this cute little baby and then get all rested up and ready for the
baptism. Hoorayyyy!
We were also able to visit with Florence multiple times! She’s this
absolutely GOLDEN ami that literally just soaks in the gospel. We
taught her all of the commandments this week and she just loves it.
She has spent her whole life already in search of Christ and his
gospel, and she’s finally found what she’s been looking for! I love
her. She is such a strong person. Everything around her might not be
going perfect, but she is fighting through it all. She’s ready to be
baptized on the 14th! Valentine’s Day baptism! 😀
Greta and Driast are fabulous and wonderful as always. With their
adorable little Keissi, they just have the biggest place in my heart.
I’m not sure what I would do without them. Driast gave a talk at our
last baptism, taught the gospel principles class last week, and is
preparing to receive the priesthood next week. I love them with all my
heart 🙂 And Keissi loves my name. She runs through the church yelling
“soeurlelis! soeurlelis!”
Lots of other craziness happened as well. We accidentally walked in on
our of our amid having a lesson with the Jehovahs Witnesses. Not the
happiest moment of my life, but to quote my dear comp, “Silly TJs,
souls are for saving!” Ha. We pray that she’ll be lead on the right
I was also yelled at by an angry mentally unstable less active. That
was a bummer… But I know God can help her through her trials 🙂
Just keep us in your prayers please. I’m on the road to healthiness.
When I got to church yesterday, a member handed me 4 boxes of
medicine. I think she might be trying to tell me something. But hey.
There’s work to be done, so we can’t be wasting time!
Ha. I love you alllll! Have a fabulous week.
Soeur E.